Let's Talk Games!

Episode 23: Cloud is Aerith's boyfriend? (Alternate title: The most confusing play session ever)

Episode Summary

This section of our adventure made Abbey’s brain hurt. Firstly, a man who has been missing for 20 years teaches us how to climb a mountain. We discover the wound in the Planet and nothing makes sense after that point. Everyone from the main attraction Sephiroth to our old friend Rufus. Cloud is introduced to harsh truths about his back story and it turns out Tifa has known all along. When the dust settles Cloud is missing and everyone else is about to be publicly executed. Fun times! Be nice to us Internet! Support us at: https://www.patreon.com/abbeyandanthony

Episode Notes

We meet Holzoff,

Climbing the Mountain (for years),

The Crater!.

Jenova D.E.A.T.H!,

Sephiroth drops some mad knowledge,

Cloud Has a Freakout,


Escape on the airship!

What do you mean 'public execution?'